Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Warped Tape

I would like to introduce a new method for deducing the allusive quality of greatness in terms of a musical release.  Let’s call it the “warped tape test”.  The premise is simple yet profound:  try listening to a new album you’ve never heard before, in warped tape format.  If you find yourself coming back time and time again, to that same warped tape for a listen, then you’ve got yourself a really great album!

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you all to the first candidate of the harsh and brutal, yet delicately revealing warped tape test:  Devon Williams.

While the official Slumberland Records release of Euphoria will not be out until later this month, Devon had some cassette copies (released by Burger Records) lying around.  He gave me one.  It was warped.  I think he did it on purpose.

But I digress; after all, we are here to talk about the warped tape test, not the situation that led to the occurrence of such an event.  After an initial listen, I have to say, I was hooked, albeit a bit peeved.  I mean come on.  Who gives out warped tapes of their music?  Regardless, the warbly and sometimes almost indiscernible sounds emanating from my car stereo could not hide the almost divine candy land staccato accenting album opener “Revelations”.  I listened to it 5 times in a row right off the bat.  Delving deeper I found the moodier piece “Tower of Thought” quite stunning in a Def Leppard ballad sort of way.  You know, the kind of song that really moves you.  I could talk more about the album but I’m sure it would just bore you.  If you like carefully crafted pop songs with interesting arrangements you’ll probably like this.  And I’m not just saying that because he put my photo is on his 7”.

Here is a music video for one of the songs on the album that I didn't talk about at all.  It's still good though.